I went to the Conservatorium van Amsterdam after visiting Openbare Bibliotheek. My immediate reaction was that the Conservatorium looked externally similar but dissimilar internally to the Bibliotheek. Although they were adjacent to each other and on many occasions shared common patrons, the buildings'interior design was in stark contrast to each other for the former was a public library while the latter a semi-private educational facility.. Frits van Dongen, the architect, designed the building based on the old Japanese building adage of, 'Engawa': locating the corridors on the outside, along the exterior walls and surrounding the main rooms.
In keeping with the Japanese planning, the extensive use of wood provided a level of comfort, attachment and privacy for educational uses to the otherwise disassociated concrete and the transparent facade in the public spaces and corridors building.
Overall, the building was minimal and bare, it could simply be described as four boxed timber halls enveloped with a glazed box.